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Red Fort 

Interpretation Centre

New Delhi

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Red Fort interpretation Center is a museum housed within the Red Fort premises. It is located in the erstwhile British barracks. The museum aims at preserving and promoting the complete picture of the lifestyle culture embodied by the Red Fort, including its buildings, gardens and general ethos. It throws light on the social structure and palace hierarchies. Almost 80% of the original buildings were razed to the ground in the aftermath of the first war of independence in 1857.

This museum has been painstakingly conceptualised through extensive research inputs obtained from old books, memoirs, maps, paintings farmans and royal records - to retain the sense of wholeness of the original Red Fort as it existed at its zenith. There are immersive 360 degree projections, an infinity room and AR/VR attractions. Different media come together to present the complete picture of this architectural marvel. The museum tells the story of why Delhi was chosen as the new capital and the site for the Red Fort by the Mughals and what all it endured through the next 400 years. In so doing, it endeavours to weave an unbroken thread detailing the histories of four centuries.

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